Tuesday, 26 July 2011


I once heard someone say that a Weed is just a plant growing where it's not wanted.
Poor dears!!!
A walk around our Church Block & down the lane next to us on a beautiful sunny November day inspired me to find out whether the flowers I saw were Weeds or Flowers?

These beautiful yellow daisies grow as lawn all over the Northern side of the church.
 They are called Capeweed. 
Their botanical name is Arctotheca Calendula.
I absolutely love them but sadly I found out... They are a weed.

Just about everyone knows this as Paterson's Curse or Salvation Jane.  
It's botanical name is Echium Plantagineum. 
It may have pretty flowers & bees adore it, but it's definitely a Weed.

Here is a Mexican Poppy, officially known as Argemone Mexicana...unfortunately a Weed.

Rose Vervain, botanically known as Glandularia Canadensis...another weed.
I love the little purple flowers!

Orange Gazania.... some would say Weed but I'd say Flower.

Purple Poppy  ...getting ready to flower.
Soon it will have the most gorgeous light mauve flower with a darker centre.

Another Purple Poppy ready to flower, shame I wasn't there to photograph it. 
Maybe Next time!  
Botanically known as Papaver Somniferum... it's used as a medicinal herb.

A Pink Oleander Tree

Botanically known as Pink Oleander Nerium, a lovely tree but the sap is poisonous.

In the lane next to our Church I found a vine growing.
It is the most gorgeous vine covering the corrugated iron fence.  
  Commonly known as Honeysuckle or Japanese Honeysuckle, it's botanical name is Lonicera Japonica.

It has the most fragrant flowers ever!

The flowers are yellow & white.

 I'm looking forward to taking a cutting & having this grow in my own yard.
I'll class this as a Flower as it's far too beautiful to be a weed!

Grevillea ...probably the well known type of 'Robyn Gordon'.
Birds adore this.... so the status is definitely Flower!!!

This is Grevillea Robusta. 
One of the most beautiful trees I've seen when it flowers.
Birds love it....status is FLOWER!!!

Last but not least my beautiful Prunus Persica. 
Commonly known as a Peach Tree...aren't the flowers stunning!
I bet the fruit will be even better!!!


  1. You have lovely weeds. Could they not be called "wild flowers?" I think that the only one I would not want in my garden would be the Mexican Poppy because of its thorns... but then again, I grow LOTS of roses, so where is the difference? If it is invasive, then give it weed status, otherwise call them wild flowers and enjoy them! ;)

  2. Lynell, I haven't heard from you in a very long time. I hope all is well with you. I tried to post this to you direct but didn't see a contact address. ~ Lynda :)
